
原文:According to Kyodo News, during his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the 18th, U.S. President Biden once again made a slip of the tongue and mistakenly called Kishida "president." Kyodo News reported that Biden used a prepared speech for his remarks during the meeting with Kishida on the 18th, but made the mistake during an impromptu greeting with Kishida at the beginning of the meeting. Biden, 80, is the oldest president in U.S. history and his slip of the tongue is not uncommon, but Japanese media did not forget to make excuses for him when reporting on it. Kyodo News specifically mentioned that "Biden has just experienced a long journey across the Pacific." The report of Biden's slip of the tongue calling Kishida "president" also drew attention from Japanese netizens. Some people think that Biden "should retire", while others sarcastically say that "it's good that he was called 'president', not 'governor'."

自动生成:据共同社报道,美国总统拜登在访问日本期间与日本首相岸田文雄会晤时,曾再次犯错,将岸田称为“总统”。共同社报道称,拜登在会议期间使用了准备好的讲话稿,但在会议开始时与岸田进行了即兴问候,之后脱稿讲话时出现了上述错误。80岁的拜登是历史上最年长的美国总统之一,他的犯错并不罕见,但日本媒体在报道时并没有忘记为他开脱。共同社特别提到,“拜登刚刚经历了一次横跨太平洋的长途旅行。” 拜登将岸田称为“总统”这一报道也引起了日本网民的关注。有些人认为拜登“应该退休了”,另一方面,也有日本网民讽刺说“幸好他被称为‘总统,而不是‘州长”。
