原文:The Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of shipping commodities including coal, iron ore, and grain, posted its biggest drop in three weeks on Thursday due to lower shipping rates across all vessel types. The index fell 32 points to 1,608, or about 2%, marking its biggest one-day decline since April 18. The Capesize index, which tracks shipping rates for the largest vessels, fell 64 points, or 2.4%, to 2,566. Capesize vessels are now earning $21,276 per day, down $538 from earlier this week. The Panamax index dropped 36 points, or 2.4%, to 1,445, marking its lowest level since February 28. Panamax vessels are now earning $13,009 per day, down $324. The Supramax index fell 2 points to 1,112.参考译文:受到所有类型船运费下跌的影响,波罗的海干散货运价指数周四录得三周以来最大跌幅。该指数下跌32点至1608点,跌幅约2%,为4月18日以来的最大单日跌幅。海岬型船运价指数下跌64点或2.4%,至2566点。海岬型船现日均获利下降538美元,为21276美元。巴拿马型船运价指数下跌36点或2.4%,至1445点,为2月28日以来的最低水平。巴拿马型船现日均获利减少324美元,至13009美元。超灵便型散货船运价指数下跌2点,至1112点。