The maximum score for the supervision and rating of financial companies is 100 points, with the weightings for each section as follows: functional positioning (15%), capital management (10%), corporate governance (20%), risk management (30%), information technology management (10%), group operations and support (15%). Based on the weighted sum of scores, the rating is adjusted according to rating adjustment items to form the supervision and rating results.
The supervision and rating results for financial companies are divided into levels 1-5 and S-level, with levels 1-3 further categorized into A and B. A score of 90 points or above (inclusive) corresponds to level 1, where a score of 95 points or above (inclusive) corresponds to 1A, and a score between 90 and 95 points corresponds to 1B. A score between 70 and 90 points corresponds to level 2, where a score between 80 and 90 points corresponds to 2A, and a score between 70 and 80 points corresponds to 2B. A score between 60 and 70 points corresponds to level 3, where a score between 65 and 70 points corresponds to 3A, and a score between 60 and 65 points corresponds to 3B. A score below 60 points corresponds to level 4. In the case of significant risks in a financial company, it will be directly classified as level 5 based on the requirements for rating adjustments.
Financial companies that are undergoing restructuring, being taken over, or implementing market exits, as determined by regulatory authorities, will be directly classified as S-level without participating in the supervision and rating for the current year.